Social Media Workshop - 6/1/11
A UCCE Grown in Marin Workshop co-hosted with Marin Organic and MALT
8:00-12:00 The Fork at Point Reyes Farmstead Cheese Company
This focused workshop covered the use of Twitter, Facebook, Google placement, and integration with your website, and other tools that promote and sell your products.
- How to set up or refine your Facebook page
- Which email marketing service works best for your farm
- What Twitter can do to help connect you to your customers
- Using keywords and How to increase your SEO(search engine optimization)
- How Google Alerts lets you know about your publicity successes
Brenda Dawson, Communications Director, Small Farm Program, UC Davis
Basic tools and how to use them, Twitter "followers" and "following"
Social Media Basics
Christian Alhmann, SixSigma Winery, Lake Co.
Ten rules For Facebook
Kerry McGrath, Marin Organic
Using "The Wall", email marketing tools
Cynthia Kintigh, Communication Services, UC Davis
Maximizing web visibility through SEO
SEO resource
Pew Internet Twitter Update
Jana McClelland, McClelland Dairy
Connecting farms with customers
Lenny Rice, Bellwether Farms & California Artisan Cheese Guild
Connecting Products with larger promotional efforts